Professor Thomas Roulet
Professor of Organisational Sociology & Leadership, University of Cambridge Judge Business School.
About me
Thomas Roulet is a Professor of Organisational Sociology & Leadership at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, focusing on social evaluations and work relations. He has published extensively in top research outlets in the field of management and organisation theory.
His latest book The Power of Being Divisive: Understanding Negative Social Evaluations (Stanford University Press: 2020) was the runner-up for the George Terry book award of the Academy of Management in 2021, an award recognising the book which has made the most important contribution to the field of management. The Financial Times described the book as “a fascinating study of the social-media fuelled and fast-changing landscape of public opinion, and the possible ways in which that might be beneficial”.
He writes a column for Forbes and has been regularly questioned on issues around leadership and social relations in media outlets such as the Financial Times, BBC, The Telegraph, ITV, Le Monde or France 24. He also regularly consults for a variety of organisations in the public and private sectors on the subjects of work and communication
2023 - Pilkington Prize winner(Opens in a new window) - awarded by the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Cambridge.
2020 - Poets & Quants - 40 under 40 Best Business School Professors
2020 - Business Because - Business School Professors to Look for in 2020
2021 - Academy of Management - Runner up George R. Terry Book Award
Roulet, T. & Laker, B. (2022)Your Career Needs a Bit of Luck. Here is how to Cultivate It.(Opens in a new window)
Harvard Business Review
Subel, S., Stepanek, M. & Roulet, T. (2022)How Shifts in Remote Work Affect Employees' Well Being.(Opens in a new window)
MIT Sloan Management Review
Roulet, T. and Laker, B. (2020)Now is the time to reconnect with your dormant social network.(Opens in a new window)
MIT Sloan Management Review
Roulet, T. & Laker, B. (2022) Your Career Needs a Bit of Luck. Here is how to Cultivate It.(Opens in a new window)
Harvard Business Review
Shymko, Y. & Roulet, T. (August 2016).'When Corporate Philanthropy Makes the Recipients Look Bad'(Opens in a new window)
Harvard Business Review.